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Water lilies at the Brooklyn Botanical Garden Orchid Show, April 5, 2014. Taken with the Nikon D610 + AF-S Zoom NIKKOR 24-85mm f/3.5-4.5 G ED VR. 1/600 s @ f/5.6 -0.67, ISO 800.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Camera Plus Pro

I really tried to resist buying a camera app, but when a colleague showed me Camera Plus Pro, I just couldn’t resist.

With a clean interface and some very usable features, this app adds some of the functionality I’ve grown used to such as a self-timer, white balance lock, burst mode, keywords, and separate exposure and focus control. Unfortunately, it doesn’t use the volume + button as a shutter release, but perhaps a future update will incorporate that.

But what I really found useful is that it also allows to you apply filters to new captures or existing images, and has superior post-processing controls.

As a professional, I view these apps more as entertainment. But even I have to admit, they’re fun and useful, especially when I’m on the road away from my primary workstation. Well worth the $2.99 price tag.


Anonymous said...

Its still $1.99
Volume shutter is not allowed for third party apps to use as shutter control.

Dreux Sawyer said...

My mistake. I did indeed pay $1.99 for this app, and it was well worth it. Many complain that it doesn't save photos directly to the camera roll. I myself prefer this, and the fact that you must import images into its working space for editing, and back out again to the camera roll when they're complete. Regarding the shutter button, I had an idea it was an Apple thing...